Hamsterbait---Glad you liked the snails. Eating them in France with some fancy wine would make them taste great!!! Maybe I'll try them again...NOT
ok i'll start.. 13 y/o or so.. once it rained for a month straight.
we had an old dry tank dump in the back that filled up with water.
there were tons of frogs that showed up and started breeding.. i was looking at them on the edge of the water through my .22 scope.
Hamsterbait---Glad you liked the snails. Eating them in France with some fancy wine would make them taste great!!! Maybe I'll try them again...NOT
hands down my all-time favorite was the flintstones.
it's just so hard for me to compare anything else to its humor,cleanliness,appeal to young as well as older ones at the time.. .
no matter how bad a mood i would be in after school i could always count on fred and barney to screw something up to make me feel better lol.
Bugs Bunny. I loved it when it rained on Saturday morning and I was able to see the whole hour of his show with his Loony Tune Friends. Also liked H.R. Puff N Stuff. (not a cartoon) Happy times.
ok i'll start.. 13 y/o or so.. once it rained for a month straight.
we had an old dry tank dump in the back that filled up with water.
there were tons of frogs that showed up and started breeding.. i was looking at them on the edge of the water through my .22 scope.
Nuked frogs!!! That's a new one. When I was around 14 we went to a classy french restaurant and I ordered escargot. Call it what it is--snails. They were in some fancy sauce but they still were gross. Remember the I Love Lucy episode where she ate snails? It was like that. BLAH
me and the hubby were talking about back in the day when we had to give public talks.
i'm a natural chatterbox and not very shy.
my hubby is just the opposite.
I was terrified to get up on the stage. They say practice makes perfect; not in my case. My legs would skake and I also would get nauseated. The sisters have to put together what I refer to as a "play" and present the info in a realistic and interesting format. The real kicker is if you are not enrolled in the school you get labeled weak. How's that for your self-confidence? Oh---forgot the best part!! After all the time that was given to prepare your talk an elder with barely (usually) a highschool diploma grades you. I am getting a little weak in the knee's thinking about it....
carmel, likes popcorn, green olives and blueberry waffles.. snickers, likes watermelon, cantaloupe and hawaiian bread.. what does your cat eat?
Yeah a topic about cats!!
Our cat(s) like graham crackers, cereal. I thought our recent kitty had a sweet tooth until he started licking hubbies workboots and socks and dust bunnies. The other cat loves when my daughter buys starburst candies or mike&ikes---loves licking the boxes.
after many months of lurking and researching on oh so many different topics, doubts, concerns, and viewpoints i decided to get my feet wet and start posting.
many times i wished to contribute something to a thread but was to apprehensive to get an account.
then as time passed and i read many more of the post from various members the uneasiness subsided somewhat and my desire to proceed into previously uncharted waters grew.
Glad you are here. I also lurked a long time before joining. Welcome and enjoy!!
my favorites are:.
"paradise earth": not in the bible.
"great crowd" of "other sheep" - two unrelated texts... put them together, and voila!, you just changed the destiny of millions!.
These are all great!! Here's a couple more:
1. Kingdom Halls
2. questions for becoming an "unbaptised publisher". This one really got me to thinking.
3. Liason comittee. ( spelled probably wrong)
4. Worldwide preaching fund/any stupid comittee that has to be formed to just change a light bulb. Makes them feel important.
dear lady friends,.
i'm massively naif when it comes to the ways of the world.
and 40 years a wta has not given me a great sense of what's real: crazy rules and regs on "appropriate behavior.".
Dang it I came to this topic late!!! Just finished dinner with the family and saw this fun thread!!! Yes, Yes, Yes, I prefer a gentleman. But a gentleman to me is like James Bonds; he is classy even when he is kicking some serious butt. Romance is big with me and my guy is a real James Bond (with blonde hair)
received my voter's id card today for the first time ever - just my next step on seperation from my former life!
i'm excited about getting involved in the community now and helping shape my city/state/country for the better instead of sitting around and lamenting on how "evil" everything is :).
Good for you!!
Can you imagine if Jw's were allowed to vote? Changes definately could be made. Although, they probably would be very conservative.
so, i just got off the phone with my older jw brother.
long story on him for another day.
but it's his damn goofy wife!!
Our relatives are like that too---when other people are around to hear them. I sometimes wonder if they talk that way so as to convince themselves that what they are doing is right. Or here is a thought; people who are so adamant about their belief's are possibly hiding something contrary to the way they really feel. I don't know... Sorry you had to go through that. Going through it myself.